So, why use extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) on your skin anyways?

Extra virgin olive oil is a natural skin moisturizer packed with antioxidants, vitamin E and K as well as a variety of polyphenols. At OliveSpa, we use high-polyphenol extra virgin olive oil, so our products provide the most nourishing and potent base ingredient from which your skin will benefit. These antioxidants help to protect against free radical damage, which can injure cells and damage DNA. Olive oil is the natural choice for your anti-aging skin routine, leaving skin refreshed and glowing.
Squalene is a key component in extra virgin olive oil, it promotes skin elasticity, diminishes age spots and boosts cell regeneration. Traditionally sourced from the liver of sharks (!), olive oil is one of the few natural, plant-based sources of this effective skin care ingredient. EVOO has proven effective in treating common skin disorders including acne, psoriasis and eczema. Studies have shown that Extra Virgin Olive Oil also protects against damaging UV rays and skin cancer related tumors.

Although all olive oils will moisturize, there are added benefits to using Extra Virgin Olive Oil… High heats and solvents used to refine the oil after the first press may alter or completely remove the naturally occurring antioxidants and polyphenols. Some of the beneficial properties of EVOO include anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-aging. EVOO is hypoallergenic, biodegradable and non-toxic. Using EVOO directly on your skin is one of the most nourishing and natural forms of moisturization, so you can feel good about what you are feeding your skin.

Olivespa uses other quality natural ingredients as well, such as shea butter, coconut oil, beeswax and 100% pure essential oils. We source organic, wildcrafted,and fair trade ingredients whenever we can.
Each of these ingredients provides their own unique array of nutrients and benefits that we bring together in order to create plant-based, natural products that feed your skin, the way nature intended.